Join Hundreds Of Up & Coming Real Estate CEOs On Their Journey to Success

My name is Kent Clothier and I am the founder of The Boardroom Mastermind, Real Estate Worldwide and a successful coach to some of the top CEOs in the real estate industry.

Over the last 20 years my family and I have flipped close to 10,000 single family homes in 11 markets through our company REINation. I have raised hundreds of millions of dollars and invested in just about every asset class in real estate today, including multi-family, syndications, industrial, RV parks, mobile home parks, self storage, single family homes and cash flow notes.

My journey has been filled with ups and downs - not only in my real estate career, but in my previous career, building a $1.8 Billion dollar sales company in the grocery industry from the age of 17 to 30.

I have been divorced, nearly bankrupt, and been beaten down more times than I can count. I have shared my journey with millions of people to demonstrate to them what it takes to not only survive, but thrive. To empower them to get out of their own way and light a fire under their butt.

Along the way, I have helped tens of thousands to successfully get started in real estate through our trainings, software programs, online courses, and coaching. And the pinnacle of that has been when I created The Boardroom Mastermind back in 2012.

My name is Kent Clothier and I am the founder of The Boardroom Mastermind, Real Estate Worldwide and a successful coach to some of the top CEOs in the real estate industry.

Over the last 20 years my family and I have flipped close to 10,000 single family homes in 11 markets through our company REINation. I have raised hundreds of millions of dollars and invested in just about every asset class in real estate today, including multi-family, syndications, industrial, RV parks, mobile home parks, self storage, single family homes and cash flow notes.

My journey has been filled with ups and downs - not only in my real estate career, but in my previous career, building a $1.8 Billion dollar sales company in the grocery industry from the age of 17 to 30.

I have been divorced, nearly bankrupt, and been beaten down more times than I can count. I have shared my journey with millions of people to demonstrate to them what it takes to not only survive, but thrive. To empower them to get out of their own way and light a fire under their butt.

Along the way, I have helped tens of thousands to successfully get started in real estate through our trainings, software programs, online courses, and coaching. And the pinnacle of that has been when I created The Boardroom Mastermind back in 2012.





Hiring and


Sales &


Real Estate


Funnel Building

& Lead Gen












Hiring and


Sales &


Real Estate


Funnel Building

& Lead Gen









    Who Want To Either Start, Grow Or Scale A Relatively New Business, FAST.


    Who Feel Like They’re Stuck Or Are Having Difficulty Scaling Beyond A Specific Level.


    Who Want To Learn How To Grow And Scale Their Portfolio / Business Quickly And Strategically.

Every Wednesday we will hold a live and interactive training session with myself and a different boardroom expert every week.

Access our members only private Boardroom Entourage FABL group where you can network and connect with other high-level individuals just like you.

I’ve seen both lucrative partnerships and best friendships form within this community.

As a Boardroom Entourage member, you’re going to have the opportunity to tap into my network of extremely high level individuals and entrepreneurs which can open up significantly big doors & opportunities for you.

This is my full database of courses and programs that include over 8+ Curriculums, teaching everything from Hiring To Raising Private Money and everything in between.

Are you ready to join an elite community of people, break EXISTING barriers, scale your business and unleash your FULL potential?

Are you ready to join an elite community of people, break EXISTING barriers, scale your business and unleash your FULL potential?

The Boardroom Mastermind is a mastermind filled with 200+ of the most elite people - not only professionally, but personally.

Each is a successful real estate entrepreneur that has been hand selected to be a part of this very elite group that meets quarterly to accelerate each other’s success in life and business.

They make themselves vulnerable to break down their current challenges and to quickly find impactful solutions that can be implemented quickly - creating massive growth and scale in record time.

This one community and family is responsible for some of the biggest success stories in the industry over the last 10 years.

So many want to get into The Boardroom Mastermind, but their business is just not quite there yet. The transaction volume, size of the business, or size of their portfolio needs to grow in order to qualify.

In order to protect the group and the integrity of the membership, I can only allow people in the group that are already doing big things in business - but are looking to go bigger and be better.

With an only 2-4% acceptance rate on all applications, that means that there are many that are left behind. But…

Today, I am inviting YOU to join MY private coaching group, The Boardroom Entourage.

Think of it as the perfect stepping stone to give you the edge you need to get results faster and put you on the fast track to ultimately getting in the right room… The Boardroom Mastermind.

The Boardroom Entourage is a private community filled with the “up and comers” in the industry. That’s YOU!

Regardless of your chosen strategy - wholesaling, flipping, acquiring rentals, multi-family syndication, self-storage, etc. None of that matters because we have experts in every area.

What matters is that you want to fast track your results and turn your “hustle” into a real business…QUICKLY!

With over 200 Boardroom Mastermind members in the group along with YOU…this group meets with me weekly online in a group setting.

Let’s face it…

We all struggle. Some use it as the fuel to achieve more and others use it as a reason to give up.

The facts are simple. Greatness is in each of us. But sometimes we need our tribe to lift us up and push us further.

Do you agree?

You can’t have a victim mentality or be pathetic and feeling sorry for yourself when you are surrounded by success, surrounded by winners that are achieving great things, and all pouring into you and your business. It is simply impossible.

“I Could Easily Argue That If You Are Serious About Achieving Greatness In Your Business And In Your Life Then YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO TAKE ACTION IN THE MOMENT And Put Yourself In This Group, Where You Are Given The Tools To Become GREAT!”

Today, I am inviting YOU to join MY private coaching group, The Boardroom Entourage.

Think of it as the perfect stepping stone to give you the edge you need to get results faster and put you on the fast track to ultimately getting in the right room… The Boardroom Mastermind.

The Boardroom Entourage is a private community filled with the “up and comers” in the industry. That’s YOU!

Regardless of your chosen strategy - wholesaling, flipping, acquiring rentals, multi-family syndication, self-storage, etc. None of that matters because we have experts in every area.

What matters is that you want to fast track your results and turn your “hustle” into a real business…QUICKLY!

With over 200 Boardroom Mastermind members in the group along with YOU…this group meets with me weekly online in a group setting.

Q1: I am primarily focused on learning about real estate investing, is The Boardroom Entourage a good fit?

100% yes. Real estate investing is one of the core topics and focal points discussed on the weekly calls and inside the community of The Boardroom Entourage.

If real estate is a primary focus of yours, get in this group right now.

Q2: I own a business but am having trouble growing and scaling it, is The Boardroom Entourage a good fit?

Without a doubt, yes. The main goal of this coaching environment is to teach business owners how to scale beyond where they are at now, and do it quickly. If you’ve had some barriers or bottlenecks holding you back, we will work together to quickly identify and overcome them. From there, we work to scale fast, ascending you into the next level.

Q3: I have an existing real estate investment portfolio, is The Boardroom Entourage a good fit?

If this is the case, you are going to LOVE The Boardroom Entourage. Again, the primary focus of this group is to teach business owners how to scale, to then have the resources to put their money to work in the real estate space.

If you’ve already got a portfolio, you’re one step ahead.

FYI: Depending on how big your portfolio is, you may qualify to jump ahead and join us inside The Boardroom Mastermind. Click here to get more information.

Q4; If I cannot make a weekly call, can I access the recordings afterwards?

Yes, all recordings will be hosted inside the members only community where you can access the calls at any time.

Q5: What are some of the things I’ll learn on the weekly calls?

The core topics and themes that we discuss are listed below. However, we also make sure to talk with our members to see if you have any specific things you’d like to have Kent cover on the weekly calls as well, so this can become a highly personal experience for you.

Here are some of the main topics we cover:

  • Business Structure

  • Tax Planning

  • Hiring & Firing

  • Sales & Closing

  • Real Estate Investing

  • Funnel Building & Lead Gen

  • Company Culture

  • Partnerships

  • Online Marketing

  • Exit Planning

Q6: Can I ask Kent questions on the live zooms?

Yes! Bring your questions to the zoom calls, at the end of each session, Kent opens up for Q&A where you will have the ability to to get 1:1 answers solving your problems, directly from him.

Q7: Are there any contracts with this? Or can I cancel anytime?

No contracts, cancel anytime. We are so confident in the content we share inside of this environment and the direct relation it can have to helping you scale FAST to produce a significant return on your small monthly investment, that we don’t require any sort of commitment on a monthly basis.

Q8: How much does it cost to be a member of The Boardroom Entourage?

As long as enrollment is currently open (please check this page to verify current availability), you have the ability to join at $197/month.

Q9: What exactly do I get access to as a member of The Boardroom Entourage?

As a member of The Boardroom Entourage, you will gain access to:

  • Live Group Coaching Calls

  • Members Only Community

  • Access To Kent’s Network

  • Full Access To The REWW Academy Suite

  • Lucrative Affiliate Opportunity

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Mr. Clothier is an expert in real estate investing. As such his experiences are not necessarily typical to the standard real estate investor and whose results may vary. The successes shared on this site are not considered typical. Most individuals who order the educational materials and systems probably do not follow any of the techniques or strategies and consequently make little to no money due to their inaction. The company is in the process of determining the typical success of its clients. Stories shared herein are for example purpose only and should not be construed as "guarantees" of success. Results will vary based on background, education, and experience and actions taken.

This site is not a part of the Google/Facebook website or Google/Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by or affiliated with Google/Facebook in any way. GOOGLE/FACEBOOK is a trademark of GOOGLE/FACEBOOK, Inc.

INCOME DISCLAIMER: This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of referenced results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. The Boardroom Mastermind makes absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that The Boardroom Mastermind, its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers and agents, cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making legal, financial, tax, or business decisions.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: All products and services offered by The Boardroom Mastermind are intended to provide prospective purchasers with general business strategies, marketing methods and other general advice for business development and training. At no point is The Boardroom Mastermind soliciting anyone to enter into a new business nor is it representing, either expressly or by implication, that it will provide locations for a business, provide outlets, accounts, or customers, or purchase any of the goods or services made by the purchaser.

The products being offered through this promotion are packages of informational tools to help you learn about business and deal making strategies.